
What Makes A Company Great?


I believe what makes a company truly great is profitability. In my opinion, many companies these days are focusing too much on having a friendly culture, appealing to sponsors and essentially the "politics" behind the business and venture capitalism. Many companies have lost sight of the ultimate goal of being profitable, first and foremost, and that means hitting those large sales numbers. This is the key differentiating factor that my businesses bring to the market. Many potentially good companies are focused on culture, customer service, fancy marketing ads and so on and are misallocating their overhead to resources that deter from [...]

What Makes A Company Great?2020-02-12T18:57:58+00:00

Learn From Your Favorite Sports Teams And Apply It To Business


Teamwork is defined as “the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.”  Looking to sports for inspiration, you’ll notice that this is a common theme amongst all the best teams and athletes. Whether it’s soccer, baseball or even auto racing, they all rely on teamwork to advance further. The main objective is to win. But without a strong team behind each individual player, they wouldn’t be able to succeed. NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt wouldn’t be able to compete without a crew behind him. Pit crews range from two to twenty people all working together to help [...]

Learn From Your Favorite Sports Teams And Apply It To Business2020-02-12T18:48:42+00:00
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