Monthly Archives: March 2023

The Coming Recession: Why Entrepreneurs Need to Prepare


As an entrepreneur, I've been calling the recession, or better said depression, since 2020. Last year, I thought the bubble was going to burst, but we printed more money and kept ourselves busy with wars and numerous new gender acceptance. While we focus on these things, the most basic facts are being ignored, and we're heading for a major economic downturn. The Workforce: Since 2020, we have seen a 30% reduction in the workforce on the field, and they're claiming unemployment. We've produced 30% less, which is a major cause of concern for our economy. Printing Money: The US has printed [...]

The Coming Recession: Why Entrepreneurs Need to Prepare2023-03-11T06:16:57+00:00

The Truth About Free Business Advice: Debunking the Wanna-Be Gurus


In today's fast-paced business world, it's important to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the latest trends, strategies, and tactics for success. Unfortunately, the internet is littered with self-proclaimed "gurus" and "experts" who claim to have all the answers to business success, but often their advice is nothing more than generic, recycled information that has been regurgitated time and time again. The problem with these supposed "gurus" is that they prey on the vulnerable and those who are searching for quick and easy answers. They offer up their supposed "secrets" to success for a monthly fee or subscription, [...]

The Truth About Free Business Advice: Debunking the Wanna-Be Gurus2023-03-06T03:12:36+00:00
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