About adrianghila

Adrian Ghila is now looking in investing in small smart companies. Providing not only the investment itself but his knowledge and potentially relocating your company into one of his offices.

The Truth About Free Business Advice: Debunking the Wanna-Be Gurus


In today's fast-paced business world, it's important to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the latest trends, strategies, and tactics for success. Unfortunately, the internet is littered with self-proclaimed "gurus" and "experts" who claim to have all the answers to business success, but often their advice is nothing more than generic, recycled information that has been regurgitated time and time again. The problem with these supposed "gurus" is that they prey on the vulnerable and those who are searching for quick and easy answers. They offer up their supposed "secrets" to success for a monthly fee or subscription, [...]

The Truth About Free Business Advice: Debunking the Wanna-Be Gurus2023-03-06T03:12:36+00:00

The Decline of Modern Man: How Society is Emasculating Men and Threatening Our Future


As we look around today's society, it's hard to deny that there is a certain level of weakness that seems to pervade. Men and women alike are struggling to assert themselves and take on the responsibilities that come with adulthood. The traditional nuclear family, in which one man supported a wife and children on a single salary, is becoming increasingly rare. Birth rates are dropping and there is a sense that we are in danger of becoming extinct as a species. This weakness is not just physical, but also mental and emotional. People are looking for a boss in their partners, [...]

The Decline of Modern Man: How Society is Emasculating Men and Threatening Our Future2023-01-28T21:44:13+00:00

Weather the Storm: A Guide to Preparing Your Business for a 2023 Recession


The global economy is currently facing a number of challenges that could lead to a major recession in 2023. As an entrepreneur, it's important to be prepared for this possibility so that you can weather the storm and come out on the other side stronger than before. In this blog, I will explore some strategies for preparing your business for a recession in 2023. The first step in preparing for a recession is to assess your current financial situation. This includes looking at your cash flow, debt levels, and overall financial health. If you have a strong financial foundation, you will [...]

Weather the Storm: A Guide to Preparing Your Business for a 2023 Recession2023-01-24T16:24:24+00:00

The Power of Entrepreneurship in a World of Turmoil


Today's shit said nice: The world as we know it is changing at an unprecedented pace. From political upheaval to economic instability, it can be difficult to make sense of the chaos that surrounds us. But amidst the turmoil, there are glimmers of hope. As entrepreneurs, we have the power to shape the world in which we live, to create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. In this blog, I will explore the problems that we face as a society, and offer solutions and a vision for a brighter tomorrow. The first problem that we face is [...]

The Power of Entrepreneurship in a World of Turmoil2023-01-24T15:16:52+00:00

What Caused the Economic Recession of 2022?


In 2022, the United States experienced an economic recession that left millions of people unemployed. The cause of the recession is still up for debate, but there are several theories that attempt to explain what happened. In this blog post, we will explore three possible explanations for the recession: housing market crash, rise in oil prices, and collapse of the stock market.   The housing market crash is believed to be the main cause of the recession. In 2021, rising home prices created a bubble that eventually burst in 2022, leading to massive foreclosures and bankruptcies. This caused a decrease in [...]

What Caused the Economic Recession of 2022?2022-11-21T01:12:06+00:00

Looking to sell your business in 2020


Are you looking to sell your business during the COVID-19/Pandemic times?   We all know, including me, that a big recession is coming. And the reason I am stating this is only that I am looking into acquiring small businesses for the long term play. In all reality, most of the small businesses will fail. Now or in 6 months. I want to buy a great structured business, keep the founder and the employees, and strategize it for the long term play. It is not rocket science, one losing its business is selling it to one that has a long term [...]

Looking to sell your business in 20202020-04-23T04:06:33+00:00

Advice For Your 2020 Goals


Here's some advice from me to you for 2020. Write down all your mistakes from 2019 and call them lessons. Make sure you go over each one and do what you need to do to master them going forward. Our failures are what shape us in life. The greatest entrepreneurs and athletes of all time failed a million times before they succeeded. Think of how many free throws or passes the greatest athletes missed before they hit the ones that really counted. The more reps you accrue in mistakes, the better chance you have in success. Know that you can lose [...]

Advice For Your 2020 Goals2020-02-12T19:02:27+00:00

What Makes A Company Great?


I believe what makes a company truly great is profitability. In my opinion, many companies these days are focusing too much on having a friendly culture, appealing to sponsors and essentially the "politics" behind the business and venture capitalism. Many companies have lost sight of the ultimate goal of being profitable, first and foremost, and that means hitting those large sales numbers. This is the key differentiating factor that my businesses bring to the market. Many potentially good companies are focused on culture, customer service, fancy marketing ads and so on and are misallocating their overhead to resources that deter from [...]

What Makes A Company Great?2020-02-12T18:57:58+00:00

The Importance of Asking Questions Before Closing a Sale


It's not all about pitching your product or service from the very beginning. The best salespeople in the world don't sell, per se. They ask questions and listen to what people want. In my time as a business owner, I've heard a common misconception time and time again: that salespeople have the vocabulary, the looks and the hunger for money alone. I've been in business for myself my entire life, which has made me be a great salesman whether I wanted to be or not. In business, everything starts with sales. Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I learned to focus and become better [...]

The Importance of Asking Questions Before Closing a Sale2020-02-12T18:51:36+00:00

Learn From Your Favorite Sports Teams And Apply It To Business


Teamwork is defined as “the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.”  Looking to sports for inspiration, you’ll notice that this is a common theme amongst all the best teams and athletes. Whether it’s soccer, baseball or even auto racing, they all rely on teamwork to advance further. The main objective is to win. But without a strong team behind each individual player, they wouldn’t be able to succeed. NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt wouldn’t be able to compete without a crew behind him. Pit crews range from two to twenty people all working together to help [...]

Learn From Your Favorite Sports Teams And Apply It To Business2020-02-12T18:48:42+00:00
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